5 Big Botox Myths — Busted!
Botox is one of the most popular treatments for a variety of reasons, but there are still a few misconceptions about what it does and doesn’t do, and who are the best candidates for use. Only you and your doctor-of-choice know if Botox is a good idea for you — but before you get to that step, we can help dispel some of the myths out there! Here are five of them:
MYTH: The best time for Botox is when the lines appear
FACT: If you can get ahead of the game, it may help you in the long run.As Los Angeles Plastic SurgeonGrant Stevens explains, “Botox is being used more and more frequently by people trying to do preventative treatments. Waiting until lines become etched into the skin means it's much more difficult to smooth their appearance again.” He adds that Botox is often used for lines and wrinkles formed by muscle movements like scowling, squinting, and raising eyebrows. “Often by starting Botox preventatively, people and their muscles can actually learn to not make certain faces and expressions and contribute to worsening their lines. By not making certain expressions in the future, or making them less often, you may actually need less Botox or need it less often.”
MYTH: If you stop getting Botox, it will make your wrinkles worse
FACT: Nope. They'll just go back to the way they were before. Toronto Dermatologist Martie Gidon explains, "Botox will prevent your wrinkles from worsening while you keep up with your treatments. If you decide to stop having Botox treatments, you will slowly lose the relaxing effect of Botox and will resume the normal development of wrinkles with movement. Botox will not make wrinkles worse." And remember, Botox results are not permanent. Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon Steven Svehlak says Botox results last typically last three to four months. "For those who get injected at regular intervals over time, however, the results can sometimes last a little bit longer, since the muscles have been immobilized for a long period and can atrophy. That said, once Botox use is discontinued, they will slowly return to how they were initially, prior to treatment."
MYTH: You are never too young for Botox
FACT: Age may be just a number as you get older — with docs reporting success with Botox patients even over 65 — but if you are a teenager, your doctor will probably tell you that you are not ready for cosmetic use. An 18-year-old asked RealSelf docs if she was too young to get Botox for lines under her eyes, and the consensus was that, yes, she should wait. Beverly Hills Dermatologist Don Mehrabi, replied to her, saying, "While I am an advocate of preventative Botox and its use in the 20s age range, 18 is too young to begin Botox. First, Botox is not ideal for the lines underneath the eyes. Second, Botox is ideally used for lines that remain after constant muscle movement — at 18, you are very unlikely to have residual lines after movement. I would recommend waiting about 4 years before beginning Botox. You will have not lost anything by waiting."
MYTH: Botox is just for wrinkles
FACT: Botox is not just cosmetic — far from it! Botox injections have been used to treat migraines by reducing muscle tension and creating less strain on the nervous system. Botox can also be used to temporarily block sweat glands to stop excessive sweating, and even might help patients who suffer from depression.
MYTH: Botox is something only women get
FACT: Hey, they don't call it "Bro-tox" for nothing! Dr. Anthony Youn tells ABC News that “every year it seems like more and more men are getting Botox as gifts, and it's not necessarily the older men. We're seeing a lot of men who are having these [Botox treatments] as early as in their 30s." He added that the average client usually isn’t "the stereotypical guy who really, really cares about grooming and exactly how he looks." And they’re not just seeing guys who were nudged by their lady friends, either. Some of those guys get Botox to find a lady friend! Dr. Constantino Mendieta says wrinkles can sometimes make men appear angry, not to mention older. Getting Botox can help “soften up this look to just give a more approachable appearance,” which can help men a great deal in business matters. “It also helps them in the bars when they're trying to meet the girls,” he adds. Who knew Botox was such a great wingman?!