Is It Ever Too Early For Botox?
A new article about the preventive use of cosmetic procedures to freeze the aging process may raise a few eyebrows – at least for those who haven’t had too many Botox injections.
“It’s been clearly shown for a long time that frown lines, forehead furrows and crows’ feet are due to repetitive folding of skin from muscular contractions for normal expressions,” says Dr. Mick I. Singh MD or Dr. Mick as he is often referred to by his patients.
Dr. Mick MD says many people in their 40s, 50s and 60s attempt to correct these wrinkles and folds once they’ve developed. But by injecting earlier, people can keep them from ever happening.
“If you slow down the use of these muscles beginning early in adult life, the development of these lines is greatly reduced,” he says. “Rather than going backward and fixing something that’s there, you can inhibit it from starting in the first place. This often prevents more invasive and expensive procedures such as filler implantation and resurfacing of these deformities as well.”
Could other extenuating circumstances be responsible for the disparity in the women’s appearance?
“A charmed life doesn’t lead to a smooth face,” he says.
Dr. Mick MD admits nipping things in the bud does have its limits.
“We’re not advocating treating infants, children and people in their teens,” he says. “What I would suggest is at whatever point [people] begin to notice and are bothered by some of these things like frown lines or forehead lines … it’s reasonable to consider starting treatment with Botox. It’s easier and more effective to inhibit progression than come in 10 years later and take them away.”
“I started to prevent wrinkles and avoid having to receive fillers earlier in life,” Julie says. “I’ve seen women as they get older and their skin wrinkles and deteriorates. A big part of it is because I’m in sales in the cosmetic industry. But honestly, it’s also a fear of aging.”
Julie says she’s had five procedures so far (lip augmentation, the rest Botox) and plans to continue on with the Botox and the beautiful art of lip augmentation or for those wanting to re achieve their voluptuous volume, lip rejuvenation.
But not everyone is hip to hip-checking wrinkles before they start.
“Some people just don’t agree with you altering your body,” she says.
“For the average person to start using Botox based on age alone as an indicator for treatment is ill advised,” says Dr. Singh , a cosmetic surgeon with offices in Chicago and Miami. “An Ideal candidate for this procedure is not defined by their age but more by their presentation, so there is no ‘right’ time to start getting Botox. Often the relative environment, genetic background and ethnicity of the patient produce variability that can lead to an earlier development of the appearance of aged skin. Hence this procedure is ideally utilized when the ‘time’ is right.”